Drop-in visitors can be the bane of the working writer. They don't mean to be, of course; and it's not like you aren't glad to see them. Sometimes they even provide you with a good excuse for a well-needed break.
Unfortunately, that's not typically how it works—in fact, it's uncanny how they invariably seem to know when you're struggling with a piece that refuses to shape up, or hard-pressed against a deadline with the clock ticking. You're desperate, exhausted, strung out from being inside your head for hours, witless and near to the point of babbling or screaming or possibly taking up a new career as a Wal-Mart greeter. That's when these unwelcome folks appear at the door.
And it should go without saying they're immune to any hint that NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR A THREE-HOUR GABFEST!
As a working writer sharing a riverbank with an array of potential drop-in guests, I also often have my creative stints interrupted by the shenanigans of critters furred and feathered—like the gray squirrel above. A bushy-tailed doofus who hung headfirst off the eave of the roof and stared at me sitting at my desk staring back. I suspect we both looked a bit dumbfounded.
Notice the slack jaw, the perky ear, the beady eye. A window-peeping tree rodent if ever I saw one…and as it happens, I see this one, or his kin, quite regularly.
Nope, not really a complaint. Just thought I'd show you what I have to deal with here…