Wednesday, March 20, 2013


When spring comes along, the winter-weary heart rejoices. 

No matter whether the day is sunny and warm, the very personification of the new season—or dreary and cold, with sleet and snow pouring from a sullen sky. What's important is that winter has been left behind and is already fading in our memory's rearview mirror. 

Spring has arrived, the word itself setting mood and direction. One does spring up, after all…so it only follows that we're instantly uplifted. Dark spirits are lightened, ennui metamorphoses into energy, despondency becomes hope. There is vernal magic afoot, and even if we can't see it with our eyes, we feel it stirring in our DNA.

The spheres have danced their timeless waltz. Earth has spun and whirled, bowed to the sun, tilted that necessary degree as it crossed the celestial equator. Daylight now rules over darkness. 

Spring is here and our souls rejoice in gladdened song!             


Gail said...

HALLELUJAH!! Happy Spring my friend -
Love Gail

The Weaver of Grass said...

Can you send some of that Spring over here please Grizz. We have had snow all day - that wet slushy stuff that does its bnest to make you feel miserable. Your photographs certainly give me a feel of Spring - let it be soon.

Grizz………… said...


Happy spring to you, too. And whoopie!

Grizz………… said...


I would if I could, dear friend. It's cold here, but bright and sunny and lovely, and I'll certainly take it over your slush and snow.

troutbirder said...

The thought is beautiful. The reality outside my window... not so much.!

Grizz………… said...


I know what you mean…exactly. (See next post.) But isn't this the way it usually goes? Lady Spring comes in her own own good time—and is still just as lovely and welcome? Hang in there—it's gonna happen!