Carolina wrens are regular visitors hereabouts, appearing daily around the cottage, generally in pairs. About all I have to do to spot a wren is step outside or look out the nearest window.
But a bobtail Carolina wren is not something you often see.
If you know anything about wrens, you understand that long, high-cocked tail is their pride and joy—a well-employed banner, bouncing up and down like an animated metronome to the little bird’s actions and moods.
A bobtailed wren is simply…preposterous.
I have no idea how this particular bird lost its tail. Accident or near-miss attack by a would-be predator? A literal cracked board "wedgie" suffered while roosting? The scenario will forever remain a mystery. But the little wren didn’t appear in the least handicapped, easily keeping up with its mate as they flittered and poked about the dooryard. In time, the feathers will grow back.
Ultimately, I couldn't decided whether to feel sorry for the tailless wren or the loyal companion—the situation had to be embarrassing for both of 'em.
Hi Grizz - I love your wise vision of nature's offerings - your expression, lessons, shared wonder and delight always make me happy. Thanks for that.
On this Good Friday I pray for us all, all of God's creatures too - that we live in harmony and care for one another in all that we do. Amen And as the celebration and promise of the risen Christ comes to be I am humbled and faithful and hopeful, once again.
Happy Easter weekend
Love Gail
Appreciate your comments, always, and glad you enjoyed the post.
On this Good Friday I wish you all the best—in health, family, finances. We've both had our ups and downs these last few months. I made my final checkup visit to the eye surgeon's Monday (everything excellent!) and on the way home, something loud, serious, and no doubt expensive broke in the steering/front end/wheel section of the pickup (there goes the tax refund!). But that's just life. I still feel incredibly blessed and so thankful for all the gifts I've been given; no complaints whatsoever. I'm so glad to be able to again celebrate another Easter. It's the hinge point for all Christendom, and the singular basis of my personal faith and eternal hope. We're heading to the daughter's on Easter Sunday to go to church with them. Afterwards, we'll come back to their house and have dinner. I'm contributing deviled eggs, a nice tangy coleslaw, and a broccoli/bacon dish with garlic, Parmesan, and sesame seeds. Then we'll hunt eggs, eat chocolate bunnies and play with the new labradoodle.
Have a Happy & Blessed Easter!
Hi again - beautiful, simple, faithful sentiments you shared. Always, humble and true. Your Easter festivities sound wonderful and yummy. Skipp and I are celebrating just the two of us. This is my/our first holiday with two at our table. My daughter and grand daughter are both working - the little guy is with his father (grrrr) and our grandson is headed to Buffalo to be there for a roofing job first thing Monday. We are going to be outside getting our new shed set up - Skipp will move the stuff from the old shed we were able to use into our new one. I put pictures of it up in Facebook. Tomorrow we are having a turkey breast and home made stuffing, sweet potatoes and a broccoli-corn casserole. It is going to be in the 60's so we can be outside a lot. I too have so many blessings - I feel a bit sad - I miss our life in Connecticut - but that's okay - missing it means it was wonderful - and now we are building a good life here - we are a blend of happy-sad. Such is life.
Love to you and yours my dear friend on the river
Posted this...then got distracted and failed to answer! Egads!
Saw the FB pix of your new shed. That's something I'm thinking seriously about building this spring before I really get started on the rest of the cottage remodeling. We have a small shed, about the size of the one you did, and I have some stuff in a storage locker a few miles from here. I'd like to combine the two, build a big shed, and save the monthly fee, plus have things handier. Plus I want to incorporate the shed into part of the plans I have for the rear of the house...the shed front forming part of the wall of an enclosed patio, a peroglia, table and seating, cook area, planters, etc. Dont know if I ought get onto that first or the remodel. Lots of building, limited labor! (Me!) 😎
Hi again - Skipp was like a kid in a toy store when the shed arrived. He is quite the proud home owner and I love watching his excitement and pride. I like your idea of incorporating a shed into a barbecue area and garden area out back of your cottage. A great place to enjoy nature and cook outdoors. Everything tastes better eaten outside. You are quite the 'handy man' and I know all your remodeling and building projects will be amazing. We are also really looking forward to planting border shrubs; azalea, hydrangea, a lilac tree and butterfly bush and flowers AND a ring of sunflowers!! It is just so nice that this is ours and we don't have to answer to anyone - that took a toll on us despite the blessings and opportunity of living in the bungalow attached to my sisters home,. As the saying goes, everything has a price.
Well, it is windy here today, rainy and cool - the thunderstorms rumbled through at first light - I loved it :-) I feel like I am "almost home" Amen
Love to you my friend
Sunny here today, though only supposed to get into the mid-50s. Yesterday was cold, cloudy, damp, and I kept a fire in the woodstove going all day.
A "kit" or pre-built shed is something I've considered, and would certainly save time and effort. But I'm too cheap and too picky. I want big, sturdy, exactly to my design, and cheap…which comes down to DIY! However, I know what I want and know I can build it, and all it takes is the doing, which of course means finding the time amid all the other projects which also need time. Seeing as how there's just the one of me, with all my issues, including various aches and pains, being capable-though-slow, and a tendency to get sidetracked by a singing bird, fluttering butterfly, or overwhelming urge to go fishing for an hour or so…well, it doesn't bode well for keeping to work schedules and knocking out projects lickety-split.
As a wise Pogo once said: "We have met the enemy, and they is us!"
Guess who? I hear ya on the cheap and picky - we lucked ot with the display model shed - it is an 8 x 8 wood with vinyl siding - and good roof and a wooden base attached - it is also the colors we wnted, gray and black. The ONLY reason we decided to gt it is because it is $1900.00 shed and we got it for $700, and delivered to our yard - saved Skipp a lot time and energy - and given the demands on him given my, well, needs, this was a God-send. He is quite the handy man, but some times it is just too much for a multitude of reasons. Today we are cleaning inside, and I can do some stuff too - dusting and so forth - it is quite chilly out - in he low 30's, tomorrow will be a bit warmer - in the low 50's - and then snow for the weekend - hope you are enjoyinng your week -
love Gail
That's a great price. I would do it for that, except I need about a 200 square ft. shed. Which I can build for that price, probably less, but not buy pre-made and have delivered and set up. Probably more along the lines of $2500 for what I want. Too much difference for a thrifty Irishman with a hammer and circular saw.
Supposed to be 70˚F here today. Partly cloudy, though. Was 35˚ when I got up this morning.
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