When I went out to scatter cracked corn for the ground-feeding birds this morning, the thermometer stood at the 2-degree mark. Barely any temperature at all…
Okay, just kidding. I do know better. Zero or a couple of degrees either way on the scale may not be much numerically, but in practicality it represents plenty of cold. Burr-r-r-r-r!
Yesterday’s snow had all but played out, with only a few flakes still coming down. Occasionally a puffy glop of snow would dislodge from a nearby limb and fall softly earthward, light and all but suspended, like a dusting of diamonds.
To give the weather oracles their due, their predicted 3-5 inches was closer to the 5-6 which I measured around the cottage, and disappointingly short of the foot I’d hoped for and thought might be possible given the what the snow front began. Wishful thinking gone awry again.
The river continues to freeze—adding feet to the shoreline ice shelf along the pools and runs, constricting the narrow artery of open water. In the riffle off the front of the cottage, some of the slower water spaces between the rocks are freezing up, which slows the water in ever larger spaces nearby until any open surface water finally disappears beneath a white-ice cap. That won’t happen for another day or two, though if this serious cold persists, it will occur sooner rather than later.
This afternoon’s wind-chill is predicted to be minus-25, though the wind isn’t doing much yet. We’re actually somewhat protected here along the river, tucked below low hills to the west and east. Could be we’ll not feel the full force of this deep freeze wind-chill.
A good day to hunker by the fire, grill a steak, sip some tea, read a book. Isn’t a snowy winter day grand!
Yes, 'tis grand, to be sure. Though we haven't had a proper snowy day - which lasted - here on the Trent plain in the UK Midlands for many a long year. More patchy fog yesterday.
That steak sounds good. Not something I'll be eating tonight as I've just had a tooth-root removed at the dentist - after 45 minutes, 6 injections and a heroic struggle! (Well, I'm bound to exaggerate, being male, am I not?)
Doesn't the ice make beautiful patterns on the water? Viewed from inside the house with a steak sandwich in your hand - can't think or anything better!
You can't build a snowman with fog.
I sympathize with you on the tooth…had my own dentist digging (rooting?) around in one of mine prior to capping last year. I'm always a challenge for him to get numb, so I probably had about the same number of injections, and I know it took him close to two hours. Not really much pain, though, except my back hurt from being upended on the surgery chair for so long.
I say the heck with pain…chew on the other side, sip a G&T, gnaw on a steak.
It is, indeed, lovely—great flowing lines, graceful, artistic, like the brushstrokes of some modern painters.
And certainly more comfortably viewed from inside rather than out, seeing how the temperature has dropped since morning and is now down to 1 measly degree Fahrenheit. But not being all that smart, I keep going for better looks up and down stream…then I stand with my backside to the fire. Am just getting ready to do that steak.
Hurray for snow!!!!! And fires in the fireplaces and good red meat.... Enjoy.... I'll sit here and wait for the snow that has yet to arrive in any volume.... Ho hum.... (In preparation, though, I went out and bought a pair of decent hiking boots... my "exploring nature" juices are going again after many years of being dried up.... and raising kids....!!) C'mom snow!! Come east, darn ya!
All we've got down here is the bitter cold (at least for NC, that is... teens and twenties through the weekend... )without any snow. Oh how I would love to take the kids outside to play in the snow! We haven't had a worthy snow here in at least 5 years. : (
One day....
Kids need to play in the snow every so often…just like us grizzled guys and their faithful dogs.
Stay warm.
There was a time when I would have agreed with you. These days, I'm just plain cold. Here, in southern NJ we have been very lucky so far this winter - no snow yet. But it is very cold. 18 by the time I got myself out of bed this morning.
I do remember well enjoying the cold and the snow. Would that it were still so.
Your photos are so beautiful!
Yes, enjoying the warm indoors by a fire, also!
And wanted to thank you for your mention of Freeman Patterson. I hadn't heard of him, but have now read and looked through online information. Quite wonderful work.
And a very generous compliment from you to be reminded of him.
Thank you.
I'm glad you liked the piece…even if you have strayed from the cold lovers fold.
I'll let you in on a little secret—I do prefer to take my snow play in smaller doses nowadays. Don't know if I'm just older, smarter, or getting too accustomed to comfort. Egads! Did I just admit that!
A woodfire is maybe the best heat source ever, in my opinion. Nothing like curling up beside a good fire when winter is stalking about outside.
And, hey, I was just being honest about your photos. You have a good eye for the subtle—the nuances of color and texture and line. I always enjoy your shots. Some much of the great stuff in nature is found in the tiny details.
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