I got up early this morning—5:41 a.m. according to the bedside clock. Why? I have no good excuse except that I'd awakened a minute or two before and knew instantly that—like it or not—I was done sleeping for the night. So I figured I might as well haul it out. Moreover, a cup of coffee sounded mighty good.
We keep our coffee maker in the great room, atop a low, hundred-year-old chest-of-drawers that acts as a sort of buffet. The chest belonged to Myladylove's grandparents, and isn't so much a valuable antique as it is simply an old piece is handmade furniture with a family history. Moon-the-Dog chewed one of the lower drawer knobs soon after we brought it here. This was totally out of character for her, because one of the things she doesn't ever do is gnaw on the furniture. Apparently it was her way of welcoming the chest home, since she's never shown the slightest inclination to chew it again.
The great room takes up the entire riverside end of the cottage. The cathedral ceiling is about 15-feet high and the wall which faces the stream is mostly windows. The lower windows have blinds, but a pair of triangular-shaped windows up near the peak are uncovered. When I shuffled into the great room on my way to the coffee maker, the first thing I saw was a big fat moon shining in through those high windows. It's silvery light was bright enough that I didn't have to turn any other light on while making my coffee.

A few minutes later, steaming mug of fresh-ground coffee in hand, I stepped onto the deck for a look around. Not that there was much to see, it still being dark. Too early, even, for a pre-dawn robin to be singing. But the rotund moon was still shining like a platinum beacon in the west as it slipped toward the horizon. Its waning light played in the waves and swirls of the riffle.
I retrieved my camera and made a couple of shots. Moon shots are rather easy since a proper moon exposure is calculated off the brightness of sunlight and the ISO. Remember, the moon is being lit by the sun. (At ISO 400, a 500th at f/8 is about right.) But capturing the moonlight in the riffle was more problematic, even with the ISO cranked to 1400. I knew it would at least require an exposure of several seconds. There wasn't time to set up a tripod so I put the camera on automatic, braced it against the cottage's stone wall…and hoped. Not a crisp or particularly interesting shot, but maybe good enough to give you an idea of my view. And about the best I could manage on a partial cup of coffee.
"Well it's a marvelous night for a moon dance...." ;)
Hi Grizz-
I love waking up with you, and seeing the moon-cup of coffee in hand. Thanks. Beautiful view. Yes, beautiful and bright darkness.
Love Gail
p.s. great share about the old piece of furniture where your coffee pot sets. great story indeed. :-)
Yes, our weathermen have been telling us about looking out for the moon tonight because of its size. Luckily it is a clear sky at present and our moon rises early - so shall try a photograph.
There is something beautiful about moonlight is nt there? Hope you enjoyed your coffee.
Bella Luna.....lets hope not to many crazies are out tonight. I agree last nights moon was beautiful and tonight's is suppose to be even more so, I like this, I like knowing this is the last full moon for this winter, I like knowing that Spring will eventually arrive although there are no signs of it around here just yet. Have a great weekend Grizz....:-)Hugs
Stopping by to see how things are. What an eventful couple of weeks, no surprise to see you concentrating on the wonders around you and celebrating when necessary.
I got involved in the clear up after the floods here in 2002 which was a humbling experience.
How's the knee?
Not bad at all!
I did one in April, 2010. I hope to try again tonight! We shall see!
Wonderful shots of the moon.
I, too, awakened early--at 5:20 a.m. and knew I would not go back to sleep. I had a church meeting today, so I just stayed up.
Now I am t-i-r-e-d.
Hope I don't miss the full moon.
A moon dance sounds like the perfect celebration…though with my bum knee, it might be more like a moon gimp for me.
Just got to my desk after a long day out and about—including an eagle in the air, another on a nest, and ducks galore. I'm glad we could "do the moon" this morning, with coffee…and glad you liked the bit about the old chest of drawers.
Hope your meal and visit went well.
I guess I'll take a look later on when the moon actually makes its way above the hill to the east. Unless I fall asleep beforehand.
There is something lovely and magical about moonlight. And FYI, I ALWAYS enjoy my morning coffee.
Beautiful moon, indeed. But I hadn't thought about it being the final full moon of winter—that's a neat point.
Spring is definitely making its way here, and it will be official after tomorrow. Spring in look and feel, and spring in fact. Don't give up, it's on the way…just keep looking.
I always go a little crazy come spring—so much to see and do, so little time.
The knee is possibly a bit better today, though not by much. The real test may be later on tonight when I see how much it hurts after limping about outside earlier. Time will tell…
Glad to hear from you!
I have a folder of moon shots—but it's like my redbird folder or autumn leaves folder…always room for more. I may take more shots tonight before heading to bed.
Yeah, I knew the moment I opened my eyes I was up for the day. And I'm pretty beat now, too…so the super moon may have to do its things without my help this time around.
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