Sunday, December 9, 2012



Debbie said...

I come and go and don't always have a comment, which may be a good thing! :D Just want to say I'm enjoying the countdown.

Gail said...

HI GRIZZ - what a beautiful metaphor of 'Christmas as a bridge'. It truly is such for me, for us this year.We celebrate the miracle of hope this season and the promise of hope's future as we recall Christmas's past, while living this present Christmas and having faith in Christmas's of the future - as we move on to a new beginnings while honoring tradition and blessings, trusting in our Lord to sustain us and carry us through and all we need to do is believe, I believe.
Love Gail

Grizz………… said...


Not a "good" thing per se, as your comments are always welcome, and I'm always pleased to hear from you; but an understandable thing, certainly. This is a busy time. I'm glad you are reading and enjoying the countdown "cards."

The Weaver of Grass said...

If this is a photograph of yours Grizz - it is perfect - as are the words.

Grizz………… said...


Well said! You've hit it right on every count. Christmas does act as a bridge—across time past, present, and future; across generations; across economics, social status, education; across history and geography; even across spiritual beliefs. Christmas is the most global and ell-embracing season and celebration on earth…and while not exactly the same for everyone, it's universal in it's appeal as a reminder to the spirit of goodness residing within the human heart. I believe, too.

Grizz………… said...


Yep, my pix…the sunrise view up and across-stream from the front corner of the house, which is part of what we see when looking out the great room's windows.

AfromTO said...

great capture-it looks like 2 weather systems in one photo

Grizz………… said...


It's the morning sun just getting high enough to hit the tops of the sycamores along the river across from the cottage. The water and understory trees and brush along the bank—an island, actually—are still in deep shadow, while the high treetops are glowing a fiery orange-gold. Pretty much the same thing every clear morning. This time, the mist coming off the snow and ice along the river added that extra touch.