Saturday, July 6, 2013


The view out my deskside window of a rain-soaked landscape is becoming all too familiar. It's been raining briskly all morning. The prediction is for the rain to continue—today, tomorrow, next week, possibly forever. It rained yesterday, and rained the day before that—Independence Day. It has rained for, well, I don't know how many days. Weeks? Months? I think maybe it began raining in February or could have been March. Perhaps it only seems that long. But it's been raining almost daily for what we've had of summer to this point plus most of the spring.

Oh, yeah, sure, there have been days of sunshine interspersed. Not whole days, mind you, not most of 'em. Partial days. A few minutes, a few hours when it wasn't raining or ominously overcast with dark clouds and looking like it was going to rain the next instant. Still, our rain-free periods during the last couple of months have seemed too brief and somehow cruelly tempting, akin to waving a cheesburger in the face of a starving man.

The good news is that while the majority of recent days it has sprinkled, drizzled, rained, and poured down 20 out of every 24 hours, the river is, oddly, not up by more than a few inches. Muddy, less than picturesque, but in otherwise good shape.

Daytime temperatures fluctuate between the low-80˚s and mid-60˚s F. Which doesn't sound bad until you factor in the humidity. Lows feel damp and cold. Not cool—cold. Highs feel hot, muggy, sweltering.

Last year was the driest on record. This year…well, we've turned into a sort of Midwestern rainforest. I'm sure the bullfrogs are ecstatic.

Me? Not so ecstatic. Though honestly, I'm trying to not complain too much. Therefore, I'll simply leave you with a few random reportorial observations:

The bedraggled hummingbirds continue to visit the bergamot except during the heaviest downpours—a case of get soaked or starve.

For the Fourth, I had to "grill" our traditional hotdogs and sausages in the kitchen. Possibly an improvement.

Haven't yet heard a single cicada ratcheting.

Come dark, there are more lightening bugs flashing their love-codes inside the cottage than out in the yard.

I have to keep a stack of towels by each door for drying off Moon-the-Dog after she's made a hurried trip outside.

Our bed linens feel clammy, reminiscent of camping in the tropics.

Crackers, chips, and dry snacks placed in a bowl lose their crunch in minutes. Not an improvement.

The clothes dryer requires two cycles to dry the towels, which otherwise come out steamy.

I'm absolutely convinced there's mold growing in places and on things which I haven't yet thought to check.

When the sun does temporarily reappear, I grab a camera and rush off somewhere nearby to make a few photos, as the landscape is particularly lush and green—even the prairie patches—and everywhere all a'dazzle with blooms. I made today's post image between showers.

I wonder if my neighbor's hip replacement is rusting?


Gail said...

HI GRIZZ - great post. I laughed out loud at your humor and observations. Good stuff. I made it in to the pool today. Phew, no easy endeavor. It was lovely. Although I felt like my body betrayed me as I tried to swim I couldn't get my legs to hold me up or stand me up again - I had no idea that would happen. In time I will figure it all out but it was shocking and frightening to where I burst in to tears. I can't begin to tell you how surprised I was at my inability to keep myself above water.
Anyway, it is very hot and humid here and the cool water was lovely despite the shock of my inability to swim. The rains, for now, have stopped but it has been raining for days and days.
Did I mention that MS sucks, big time!! Well, take note.
Love Gail

Arija said...

Grizz dear, you sound mildly grumpy and disgruntled. I feel for you.
I have a towel outside the door to dry my friend before he comes in. We too have had a fair amount of rain for which I am very grateful as, unfortunately, we have no river running by us. The seasons are rapidly becoming unseasonal. It is not yet mid-winter and my blue wrens are already in mating plumage and I can't prune my roses (I should have most of them pruned by now) since they jumped into growing mode as our too ate autumn rains kicked in.
The one thing one can always expect from life, is the unexpected and with the change in weather patters, it is becoming even more so.
All that aside, I am so very glad to be alive and hope you are as well.

Grizz………… said...


Well, I—we—haven't done anything useful the entire afternoon/evening. Myladylove did work until 1:00 p.m. so maybe that disqualifies her from uselessness; but I'm certainly a blue-ribbon example. And yes, I blame it on rain. Can't work in the yard or cut the grass or go rambling afield. So we just made a washtub's worth of popcorn and watched movies.

Hey, so you cried a few tears. Big deal. You got in the pool—MS didn't win that round. And you just keep right on looking it in the eye and pushing. You're going get banged up in any good fight. Cry, rage, laugh, scream, kick—whatever it takes. Don't willingly give an inch. Do all you can. Enjoy your life in spite of MS. You are strong and courageous and amazing. Your spirit is indomitable.

Grizz………… said...


More than mildly, maybe. Just railing at all this rain which is currently keeping me from my appointed rounds afield with camera and fly rod…and if you could see my yard, obviously lawnmower. But my roses dearly love the cool temps, moisture, and brief periods of hot sun. In fact, everything is so green and lush it looks like a jungle.

Life does regularly serve up te unexpected. But the thing is that change continues—bad becomes good, clouds give way to sun, and the rains eventually cease. All I gotta do is grumble by way along, impatiently for sure, and sooner or later the weather will change to suite me. Or I'll grow webs between my toes and learn to like sitting on a muddy riverbank harrumping into the moonlit night.

Arija said...

I would dearly love to see you do the latter!

Judith said...

Frogs turn into princes you know. I think they just sit on a riverbank and wait until their ladylove comes along.

Gail said...

Grizz -your words of encouragement, faith in me and wisdom of life inspire me to keep fighting. thank you m friend
Love Gail

NCmountainwoman said...

Same front is pouring rain on us as well. We've had 12.3 inches since last Sunday. We "grilled" our hot dogs by steaming them in beer and garlic. Best ever!

Grizz………… said...


Truth be told, I've done a fair approximation …more than once!

Grizz………… said...


Depending on her mood, and on why I'd chosen to squat on the muddy riverbank and harrump into the night, Myladylove MIGHT given bestow a prince-inducing kiss…or she MIGHT give me a resounding whack with a big stick.

Grizz………… said...


You're welcome—but in fact, I thank you because to me, you're an inspiring example of grace under diversity.

Grizz………… said...


Raining off and on today, too, and was 68˚F when I got up; hereabouts, this time in July, it's usually in the low-90˚s. Looks like Thursday, at the earliest, might be our first day of mostly sun.