The rising sun varnished the tops of the sycamores across from the cottage this morning. Which hasn't been the case for at least the past couple of weeks with skies remained dimly, darkly, resolutely gray. I don't mind successive days of overcast, but the bright and cheerful sunlight will surely perk up and please Myladylove, a mild sufferer of seasonal affective disorder.
Of course, even during the dreariest of mornings, a jaunty old redbird can cheer things by merely appearing at your window in his flaming scarlet attire.
Today is not only our first sunny morning in a while, but the day of the winter solstice. The shortest, darkest day of the year…and the official start of winter.
However, some of us view this latter new season business as nothing more than another failure of vacuous governmental meddling. An example of what happens when those ignorant in their grasp of what's happening, oblivious to both history and logic, and blinded by the self-perpetuated fantasy of their own importance, attempt to control by bureaucratic decree what was never their's to control in the first place, and over which their bluster and mandate have absolutely no power.
Don't get me wrong—we agree with the science of the solstice. But we're bemused how some foolishly think they can schedule in a season like they would a visit with a cash-carrying lobbyist seeking to buy votes.
In the old days, the winter solstice would have marked midwinter. Logical, seeing as how from this point onward, daylight begins lengthening, the sun heads our way as spring's promise creeps resolutely toward becoming a fact. That makes sense. And seeing as how our journey to spring starts here, it would also make perfectly reasonable sense to start the new year here, today, with this passing of the solstice. That seems logical, keeping in tune with nature and natural events and rhythms.
But then civilization and progress are about distancing ourselves from the natural world and separating our lives from nature.
HI GRIZZ - happy to 'see' you - I was wondering if you and yours were all ok...Lovely pictures of Winter beauty and our feathered friends - the red is vibrant and uplifting against the cod whites of Winters magic - we had a snow covering today as well - very Wintry - :-) We are enjoying the day and plan to visit good friends around 4:00 -
I posted on my blog - if you get a moment stop by for a Christmas visit - Sent yo and your Lady-Love a lil something in the mail - hoe it arrived safely-
Merry Christmas Jim -
Love, Gail
Those red birds are incredible, we have nothing like that here in Oz.
Merry Christams!! Best wishes for a happy new year to you, and all of yours!
I'll stop by your blog for sure…and I owe you a letter, too. We did receive your lovely card and "surprise." Thank you. I know I've been awful about posting, visiting friends' blogs, email letters, etc. There have been a lot of things going on, which is not an excuse, but it just seems like lately I can't find the time to do more than work, run errands, see various doctors, etc. I'm dealing with another infection threatening to sideline my Christmas, have a deadline to meet today, and must get a bit more shopping done plus go to the grocery for Christmas dinner items. I also need to pick up a couple of prescriptions at Sam's. But still not an excuse for neglecting things—especially friends. However if you don't hear from me otherwise BEFORE…Merry Christmas!
Redbirds (cardinals) were my mother's favorite bird. They're common hereabouts. I regularly have 20 or more around my feeders at the same time—and have, on occasion, had more than 50 scattered about, in view. A nature-decorated tree! I posted a photo once, I think. Quite a sight!
Thank you…and Merry Christmas to you and all.
Can you believe, another year is about to go swirling downstream and around the bend? I thought I was supposed to be getting wiser, richer, or at least a little better looking. Naahhhh! Quite the contrary. Been lied to again! :-)
Where does the time go?? Wiser and better looking you are for sure! Don't know about the richer. Unless you count the intangibles...I lay money on them!
Merry Christmas to you and your family old friend. May you have much love, great food and a lot of family with you as you celebrate the season.....big hugs
so sorry to hear you are battling another infection. I will send prayers and good thoughts for all good outcomes. So glad our card and 'surprise'arrived at your red-cottage door - Merry Christmas
Love to you and yours
peace and hope for us all
Well, even a cursory review of my thoughts and deeds over the past year quickly reveals I'm still several bags shy of a load when it comes to wisdom. And with all the post-flood remodeling, plus medical stuff, richer hasn't happened, either. As to the business of better looking…I did get new contact lenses, so the vision is pretty sharp. Maybe I need a better mirror.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you! And it's really great to hear from you.
We're having some family and a long-time friend here for breakfast and dinner on Christmas day. Plus a fine JRT. There's be food aplenty. Of course the most special guest of all will be my wonderful one-and-only granddaughter, Anya Grace!
Merry Christmas to you, too, my delightful friend. May your holiday be blessed!
Thank you. I am mending, but would mend much faster if I stayed off my feet, off the road, and rested. Which of course, is out of the question until after Christmas. You know how that goes…
Give Santa a cookie. Or a kiss. ;-)
Tried to say Merry Christmas on the 25th, but Google required me to use my password, which i could not remember! So I will just say Happy Holidays...
Sorry to read about your leg problem..hope it is coming along OK by now god bless you all...or make it all y'all!
Lo and behold…just found your comment! Either it hid, somehow got lost, or I missed it. (The smart money is on door number 3.) Anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, the leg is good, the Star gathering was fun, and Monday's meeting of Scribblers Incorrigible looms.
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