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Great blue heron, stalking a breakfast fish along the river near the cottage, on a cloudy morning a few days ago.
Well, it's been awhile. Longer, certainly, than I intended—though in truth, maybe just long enough. Looking back, it was painfully obvious I needed a break. My posts were boring, repetitious; I could feel myself getting stale.
Ongoing remodeling work had literally engulfed my life and mind. I've scarcely made a photo in months, other than an occasional shot from around the yard or along the stretch of river which flows past the cottage. From early autumn until just before Thanksgiving, as time grew shorter, I became increasingly exhausted both physically and mentally—desperate to finish several projects before the holidays.
This was accomplished, thanks to the tireless and expert help of my wonderful neighbor Mike, who did practically all the plumbing. A huge worry lifted off my mind!
During my hiatus, several dear and faithful readers—true friends—called, messaged or emailed, wondering if I was okay. I was, except for a trip to the E.R. in November, to drain 100-plus mls of fluid from under an injured kneecap. That flat hurt! And I do apologize to those made fearful during the week-long recovery, when I gimped around the house at high-speed—a one-crutched Chester (remember Gunsmoke?)—and doubtless a mortal danger not only to myself but anyone nearby, especially those inadvertently trapped in a hall or doorway.
Thank you, one and all. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your thoughts and concern.
I probably won't be posting more than a time or two per week for a bit. I continue working on the house when I can, and still need to saw and split sufficient firewood to get us through winter. On top of which, Christmas and New Year's loom, with their attendant preparations and celebrations.
Thank you, one and all. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your thoughts and concern.
I probably won't be posting more than a time or two per week for a bit. I continue working on the house when I can, and still need to saw and split sufficient firewood to get us through winter. On top of which, Christmas and New Year's loom, with their attendant preparations and celebrations.
But I've returned—and glad to be back, because it honestly feels like coming home.
Hi Grizz - I am so happy and relieved to "see" you. I was getting ready to email you again, today actually!
I am glad you are getting your remodeling finished and that you had some help. And happy you are healing or healed from the knee fiasco. Ouch!!
All is ok here in Western, NY Our Thanksgiving was simple and blessed - our tree is up and some wreaths and garland are lit up outside. It is quite strange to "be" here I still long for our life in Connecticut. But alas, new traditions and memories are being created - and so it goes, so it goes....
Love to you my friend
Glad you are back. Sometimes we need a break.
Welcome back. I've been missing you.
I'm very pleased to read that you are "back." I always enjoy your photos and the way you express yourself.
So sorry not to have answered sooner, but something is going on with my blog. I no longer see "pending comments" on my home page. Nor do they appear on my "draft" page. I thought no one had commented until just a moment ago when I was digging through some of the tools and settings along the left-hand side of the Blogger desktop. I'm obviously going to have to figure this out!
Anyway, it's good to be back…and will be even better if I can sort out my issues and get back in the swing of things. Oh, we received your Christmas card yesterday—thank you for your nice words. We're late sending our cards out, but should have them off before the weekend.
NOTE: Please see my comments to Gail re. my tardiness in this reply.
Thank you, and yes we do sometimes need a break, even if we didn't really intend taking one.
NOTE: Please see my comments to Gail re. my tardiness in this reply.
Hey, I've missed you too! ;-)
NOTE: Please see my comments to Gail re. my tardiness in this reply.
Thank you. I hope folks enjoy what they find here—and with any luck, will get to posting with more regularity.
Truth be told, I think it not uncommon for bloggers to fall by the wayside. I certainly have.
I find myself thinking of things to blog and then wondering--have I written on this before.
And many times I find I have.
So silence for me is sometimes better than repetition.
Looking around, I'd say about 90 percent of the bloggers I read before I began, or regularly read throughout these last few years, have, indeed, fallen by the wayside. Blogging is not the fashionable thing anymore. And truth is, to do it right, it's work, a responsibility. I've probably lost a bit of my own enthusiasm, but not all; I've just been worked to death this last year or two with the house redo. But I still like to blog and intended to get myself back into a more regular schedule. I do, however, plan to change some things around.
BTW, please forgive my slow response. I'me having real issues adapting to this "new" Blogger.
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