The darkness breaks,
And Dawn awakes,
Her cheeks suffused with youthful blushes.
The rocks and stones
In holy tones
Are singing sweeter than the thrushes.
Then why should we
In silence be,
When Nature lends her voice to praises;
When heaven and earth
Proclaim the truth
Of Him for whom that lone star blazes?
No, be not still,
But with a will
Strike all your harps and set them ringing;
On hill and heath
Let every breath
Throw all its power into singing!
—Paul Laurence Dunbar, "Christmas Carol"
[The word "Advent" comes from the Latin adventus, which means "coming." In the Christian church Advent is that period of expectant waiting leading up to the Nativity of Jesus. Some prefer to think of it as a "Countdown to Christmas." If you've ever had an Advent calendar, you know that each day prior to Christmas has it own window, usually hidden behind a little flap or door, behind which is a scene or verse from the Scriptures. I thought it would be fun to take that idea and post a daily photo with a bit of text below—a stanza or two from a Christmaspoem or a few lines of prose from a favorite Christmas story. The photos aren't intended to be tied with the text. Some are just ones I meant to run with a post this past year, but for whatever reason, didn't. To set these posts apart from my regular—or irregular!—ones, I've given them a different typeface and look.]
"The darkness breaks,
And Dawn awakes,"
...and covered the earth so,
In beautiful white snow!
Looks like we are going to have a White Christmas!
I sure hope so! I've been out taking a few shots, though I have so much going on today I can't take much time.
But it is really pretty out.
Beautiful image and the words build, to a harmonious crescendo that vibrates through my soul. Oh yes, a White Christmas indeed - as I sit in child-like waiting for the blizzard heading towards us - arriving this afternoon. The Winter doves, cardinals, woodpeckers, tit-mouses, squirrels, chipmunks, one HIGE turkey vulture have been gathering food in preparation. Fascinating to watch.
Happy Saturday to you Grizz, AND, if I may, my latest post - "Christmas In Guilford", I hope you have a moment to stop by for a Christmas visit.
Love to you
I'll stop by when I can, promise. We had snow here last night, and it's still snowing—though nothing close to your coming blizzard. Lots of birds at the feeders.
Stay warm! Enjoy!
Isn't it a beautiful sight and wonderful feeling when you awake to the first snowfall....and just a few days before Christmas makes it almost perfect. I think everyone should be blessed with a white Christmas.....another beautiful poem Grizz, have a great day.......:-) Hugs
I love waking to a snowfall…and so close to Christmas makes this first one (for us) all the more enjoyable. Really the seasonal backdrop and mood-setter we needed.
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