The rills that winter-bound have been,
By Sol shall be set free;
And through their channels, fringed with green,
Shall spread fertility.
So now the human currents glide,
That save the world from dearth;
For Love Divine in Christmas-tide
Is smiling on the earth.
—Alexander Louis Fraser, "Christmas."
[The word "Advent" comes from the Latin adventus, which means "coming." In the Christian church Advent is that period of expectant waiting leading up to the Nativity of Jesus. Some prefer to think of it as a "Countdown to Christmas." If you've ever had an Advent calendar, you know that each day prior to Christmas has it own window, usually hidden behind a little flap or door, behind which is a scene or verse from the Scriptures. I thought it would be fun to take that idea and post a daily photo with a bit of text below—a stanza or two from a Christmaspoem or a few lines of prose from a favorite Christmas story. The photos aren't intended to be tied with the text. Some are just ones I meant to run with a post this past year, but for whatever reason, didn't. To set these posts apart from my regular—or irregular!—ones, I've given them a different typeface and look.]
Wonderful way...to begin my day!
The sun hasn't yet risen, from where it lays! Your photo is perfect in every way. Awards you deserve, I would say! Wish you a great weekend, if I may!
The photo is lovely--so evocative of an early winter sky.
I wonder--is it sunrise or sunset?
That old sun is not long up here, even now—and it looks like we might have a nice day. Awards? Hey, they come when they come. I'd much rather have you—and other regular readers—find something here they like.
Honestly, I believe it is a sunset shot—best I can see at the moment. I say that mostly because sunrises are typically more pastel, in pink or gold. It is recent, though—I know that for sure; sometime between Thanksgiving and when my eyes began messing up.
Your picture is SO beautiful. ANd your daily Advent words are so wonderful. Thanks Grizz. And, good news over at my place!!
Love to you
Thank you. Moreover, I have visited and see your mother's tests turned out good—which is simply wonderful news. Christmas came early at your place!
p.s. how's the "eye jotch"!!
They itch, they ooze, I can't see, I'm going nuts, and I want to blame someone for my misery and maybe give them a punch…except that probably wouldn't work since I can't see. But they'd probably get mad and punch me, and then my nose would hurt.
Other than that, why I'm just peachy.
(I might me a tad cranky…)
This is another lovely one I don't know - I like the way it points to Spring.
I really liked that, as well. After all, once the solstice has passed (not long to go on that count) we will again have set off on that long, sweet journey to another spring. Christmastide ought to be a joyous season if for not other reason than that alone!
Just had to come over for my Advent fix....I love what you are doing during this most beautiful season.....the photo Grizz, I'm living it today as I sit by my fire we are having a blizzard outside....so cosy and I love storms.....so glad you seem to be feeling better.....:-) Hugs
Hope you're still cozy by the fireside, and that the blizzard isn't going to disrupt your getting out and about tomorrow—unless you'd rather have a snowed-in adventure.
Thank you for visiting, reading, and writing…I always look forward to hearing from you.
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