Saturday, April 16, 2016


Right now my yard is a riot of violets. Thousands of 'em, all a'bloom! 

Yes, violets are invasive, but ravishingly so. Neither ugly nor harmful, just merely prolific. Common wildflowers which are uncommonly comely. 

Every April I await their coming. Violets signal spring—and to my mind are all the more dear for this vernal connection. They are fundamental to the burgeoning season. I welcome their lovely purple-blue invasion.  

So ravish me…please! I truly don't mind. 


Penny said...


Out To Pasture said...

Lucky you. This far north, we'll have a couple of weeks yet before the wild violets and their friends make an exhibition of themselves. But your photos are lovely and I'm bedazzled for now.

Grizz………… said...


Thank you. Violets are still one of my favorite wildflowers—common though they are.

Grizz………… said...

Out to Pasture…

Glad to be of bedazzling assistance! We've gone from below freezing to upper-70s˚F and even low-80s˚F in a week…and the earth has certainly responded.